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Logo – You Deserve Truth – Med Size

God has given every person the gift of “freewill”. What does that mean? I believe it means that every person has the freedom to choose what they wish to believe (FAITH).

With that said we must understand the process. At conception God’s Word is placed within every human. This is what we know as our pure “conscience”. Willful disobedience scars or burns our pure conscience making our conscience hardened toward that particular disobedient activity. The more a person is disobedient in that area the harder that area of their conscience.

This is the reason a person can be very sensitive to a certain injustice and liberal in another. The bottom line is that God refers to this burned conscience as our “stony (hard) heart. God is Love and God calls all people to love all mankind as He loves them. Jesus proclaimed that if you: 1) Love God with all your heart and 2) Love your neighbor as yourself; you will have “fulfilled” all the Law and Prophets.

Jesus also said, “You without sin may cast the first stone” and “judge not lest you be judged”. We are called by God to love our neighbor no matter what they are doing with their freewill. Jesus only asks us to tell them about His indescribable Love for them.

God, Himself, in the form of the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within a person the moment they put their faith in the innocent shed blood of Jesus alone. The Holy Spirit lovingly convicts that person of all disobedience and directs them in the way they should go. God does this for you because He knows the pain disobedience causes you and others immediately or in the long run.

No person has perfect understanding on all the ways of God. I do not proclaim to know all perfectly either. With God’s gift of freewill I have chosen what I believe. Even though I express what I believe I give grace to all who believe differently. I only hope I receive the same grace from others.

Diane and I were checking out one afternoon and the young cashier proclaimed that she was a lesbian. I did not say anything to prompt the disclosure. I said, “Okay, (being surprised) we love you as you are. Your lifestyle is really between you and God. We hope you have a blessed day.”

Obviously if a person does not believe God exists they have no reason to be concerned in doing what is right. The world system teaches that there are no absolute laws. Everything is subject to each unique situation. Truth has been “spun” so many ways that, with Pilate, I too ask, “What is truth?” Without absolutes there is no disobedience and no sin to deal with. Is this real? Man would destroy themselves without absolutes (laws). Don’t you agree?

Everyone has a God given right to choose what they believe. Sin or disobedience is personal between every person and God. Yes! God has given us His written Word to help us understand sin (right from wrong). Remember that occurred when Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s one law for them. Some do not believe in God’s Word (all or part). The bottom line is that every person has been disobedient in one way or another making them sinful before God. God cannot even look upon sin.

This is the very reason every person must find a way to deal with their sin. God has made a way. God came to earth 2,000 years ago fulfilling hundreds of prophecies in the body of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Born of a virgin as prophesied, meant Jesus was born without man’s sinful nature to sin which is passed through Adam. Jesus lived on earth for 30 years without sin proclaiming He is God. The world hated Jesus sending Him to a cross outside Jerusalem which is historically documented.

The shedding of “innocent” blood is the only payment for sin God will accept. From the beginning God taught Adam and Eve to shed the blood of an innocent young lamb every year as payment for their sins. Adam and Eve were reckoned sinless if they trusted in the innocent blood as payment for their sin. God’s law was taught to every man through the ages and Moses wrote the law in the wilderness of Sinai as we know the Bible.

God came in the body of Jesus as prophesied throughout the Old Testament and shed His innocent blood as payment for your sin, once and for all people. Animal sacrifices are no longer effective since God has paid the price. God loves his creation, you and me, so much that he was willing to redeem us and reckon us sinless if we choose to trust in His sacrifice alone as payment for our sin.

God loves you and wants His best for you. Honestly, trusting in what Jesus did for you 2,000 years ago is the only Way to spend eternity with Him. Remember these next steps are personal, between you and God.

Will you admit that you have sinned in one way or another before God? Do you want to do what is right in God’s eyes? Do you choose to trust only in the shed blood of Jesus as payment for your sin? If so, right where you are now, tell God your decision as if you were talking to a friend. Ask God to help you do what is right. God will. Remember God loves you more than you can know.