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Peace is a feeling that every human desires. Peace is a complete calm that all is safe. We desire peace on earth. The angels declared that Jesus would bring “Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men” at His birth. All mankind seem to find the peace is so far away and impossible to find. Yet it is proclaimed that Jesus can give us “perfect peace” and a peace beyond our understanding.

What is this peace and how can anyone attain this pece on this earth in these times? Again, there is only one way to attain peace. The answer lies with Jesus and what He did for us on the cross of Calvary 2,000 years ago. This is what the angels were talking about because they knew God’s plan.

Peace is attained when you place faith in what Jesus Christ has done for you and give God control of your life and your direction. When we try to move on our own we lose our peaceful feeling. When we give God control we gain a peace that He will get us through. Give God your days and try to move in the way He would want you to go and you will live in His peace that will pass all your understanding.